Sunday, August 17, 2014

Project #1

Before I get on to the real post, here’s a quick update on my losing weight: I haven’t lost a single pound. It’s been three weeks, and I haven’t lost a single pound. However, I have noticed that I feel different, and I might be losing inches around my waist. I don’t know this for sure because I didn’t measure my waist in the beginning, but that will now change. My waist is 44 inches big- as of now. My hips are 45 inches, and my butt is 48 inches… yes, I’m a box. My thighs are 27 inches near the top. My real workout routine starts this week- since school will be in session. I will be dropping my son off, then going straight to the gym to do their classes. I still plan on doing Zumba on Wednesday nights, although they might be changing the time.

Oh, yeah! And I’ve also started collecting healthier recipes- including salad recipes. I plan on having salads for most of my lunches. So far, my favorite recipe is from Zupas. They have a salad called “Nuts About Berries”. (Holy smokes- so good.) It was this salad that convinced me I could actually eat more salads and enjoy them. I will be trying their “Summer Chicken Salad” for dinner with my family this week. Obviously, it won’t be as good because I’m not using their housemade dressing, but I’m hoping it will be okay anyway. If you have any salad recipes that you really like, please share them… I’m really trying to be healthy, but I don’t want to give up taste and eat blah healthy food. I want tasty healthy food. There’s gotta be some good recipes out there.

Okay, now on to the real blog- which is more pictures than words, but I hope you don’t mind. I mentioned in my last post that a bipolar diagnosis does not make an entire human being. There are many parts to a person- a bipolar diagnosis is just a part of who I am. I wanted to share an example of another area of my life that has little to do with having bipolar. I am a crafter, and I recently created something for my kids that I want to share.

My son came to me a couple weeks ago and showed me that he has his first loose tooth, and though I had started this project a few months ago, this motivated me to finish it. Forgive the pictures- I am not a photographer.

It’s called a “Tooth Fairy Pillow”. You hang it from the child’s bedpost, or even around the doorknob. On the front is a picture of a tooth (I put a smiley face on it just for fun). I used star-shaped beads to attach the ribbons to each side. And on the back, there’s a pocket sewn into it for the trading of the tooth and money. I added some fringe and other fun trim to add the finishing touches. I found a bunch of different ideas for it on pinterest, and eventually just created my own pattern. Isn’t it fun?!?!

I acknowledge that I may be a little elevated lately- this project may be a result of that energy. Since I started my exercise plan, I have felt greater pressure to get more things done and organized in my life. I have created a list of projects that I want to have done. (I enjoy my lists.) I don’t think I’m to the level of hypomania, yet, but I need to just make myself aware of my ‘all or nothing’ thinking. It is good to want to get things done and to organize my life. It is not good for me to allow these projects to control me and do them all at the same time, which is kind of force of habit for me. While in this slightly elevated state, I have to remind myself to make sure I do my meditations, stay in routine, and make sure I pay attention to my kids first. Otherwise, I may escalate into a hypomanic state. Even though I may be productive and feel good, it is not healthy as it may cause emotional harm to those around me as well as propel me into a deeper depression after the episode is over.

Sometimes, reminding myself in writing makes my mood status more of a reality and keeps me in check.


  1. I googled "bipolar motherhood" and it eventually led me to you, and I'm so glad it did! I have bipolar 2 and I've always thought it sounded ridiculous when I tell my pschyiatrist that I've been having urges to start home projects like painting the kitchen, installing a mudroom, etc. When this happens I feel rushed and raring to go and like it's imperative that I go get all of the materials RIGHT NOW and get started. I finally found a person like me! :) I identify with almost all of your blog posts and I'm learning a lot of ways to check-in with my moods daily and check my vitals as you say. Thank you so much for your honesty and i am definitely adding you to my blog feed so I can read your posts when they are published. -Katie

    1. Hi, Katie! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I'm glad I could help- even if it's just to let you know you're not alone. There is strength in numbers. Keep on keeping on! I'm sorry to say I'm not the most consistent in writing in my blog- but I'm glad we can be cyber friends. 😀
