Sunday, September 21, 2014

Project #2 and more

I have yet again been inconsistent with my entries. I had planned on doing one every weekend at least, but have failed to stick to my own schedule.

Truth be told, the reason I haven’t written is because I’ve been slightly elevated lately. I’m not sure that it’s actually been as bad as a hypomanic episode, but I’ve been elevated nonetheless. I haven’t slept as well, I’m constantly working on projects, and worse- thinking about more projects.


Here is project #2: Christmas Advent Calendars (yes- I’m working on Christmas already- I’m even watching Christmas movies already… don’t “bah-humbug” me). They are still not completely done, but are almost there. I’ve made 4 of this kind for my siblings and I.

I’ve also made 2 of a different kind- they don’t have the binding on yet, so just imagine it done; one is for our ward’s service auction that we do every year, and the other is for a white elephant gift. Call me crazy, but I’ve had a lot of fun working on these.

Other planned projects include (in no particular order)(and most of them found on Pinterest):
·      A way to organize my jewelry in my closet
·      Finding something pretty to organize my make up in
·      Finding somewhere to organize my nail polish
·      Finding and hanging a full length mirror in my bathroom
·      A fall table runner
·      Different seasonal centerpieces for my dining room table
·      Creating seasonal decorations for our porch

There are a few that are more long term- like putting in a copper backsplash (how delish is that?)- but I’m not including those in this list. And I’m sure there are other short term projects that I’ve imagined and obsessed about for a few hours that I’m just not thinking of right now… I keep telling myself to write these projects down. The problem is that even if I write it down, I forget where I put the notepad- so that doesn’t do me any good Maybe if I use this as my notepad- I’ll actually remember to look back.

Even with all these projects being so exciting to me, I have to make sure I just take it one project at a time. For me, these projects can act as triggers and make me spiral out of control into a hypomanic, or even manic episode. As good as that feels for me, my family suffers for it. Also, I’m told that the higher I let myself get without management, the lower my depression will be. I keep myself from serious depression if I keep my elevations in check.

1 comment:

  1. Home decorating projects and craft projects are triggers for me too. I had to unsubscribe from the 20 or so decorating blogs I used to read because they really amped me up. (Never been manic but hypo for me isn't fun, it's feeling hurried and irritable and a very frustrating amount of energy that I can't seem to get rid of) So you can imagine how fun it is for my hubby when I tell him it's inperative that we paint the bathroom! Today! And buy new towels! All the while being extremely bitchy about it :/ I do hope you will continue writing. I identify with so many of your posts. Thanks for sharing!
