Monday, March 3, 2014

Another Check-In

Time for another check-in blog.

I have been going from doctor to doctor to figure out these symptoms I’ve been having: hot flashes, followed by chills, light-headedness, some dizziness. Finally, one doctor mentioned the time frame. Apparently, I’ve been having them just as long I’ve been taking Geodon. Duh! Why didn’t I see that connection? I looked it up, and found the common side effects of Geodon; light-headedness and dizziness were there, but nothing about the extreme temperature changes.

So, I finally talked to my pharmacist- I figured he might know something. It turns out less than 1% of people taking Geodon experience fevers and chills. Oh, yeah. Did I mention I’ve been running a low-grade fever for 4 months? Needless to say, I’ll be talking to my psychiatrist about changing this medication. Sad. Overall, it was keeping me pretty stable. The pharmacist did say there were other drugs a lot like Geodon that might be worth a try.

On a related note, I’ve been slacking on my maintenance management techniques. I haven’t done a meditation in about a week, and it’s really taking its toll on me. Yesterday, I totally snapped at my husband- out of nowhere- for no reason at all. Twice. It humbled me. I guess I can’t get too comfortable. I can’t let my guard down or the people I love suffer for it.

I wish I could just be okay. It sucks to have to constantly be aware of my inadequacies- but I guess that’s just not in the cards for my life. Those with diabetes need to constantly watch what they eat, and take their insulin… I’m slightly different, but the idea is the same. I need to constantly watch where my moods are, take my medication, and do my management techniques, or I get sick, and everyone else pays for it. That’s not fair to them. I’ve got to step it up.

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