Saturday, August 2, 2014

Odds and Ends

Okay- here’s a quick summary of my week:

I did well as far as last week’s declaration is concerned. I went to the gym twice and did Zumba again with my friends. I also exercised a little this evening at home- even though it was only for 20 minutes. I took a conditioning class at BYU, and if my memory serves me correctly, I need cardio at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes in order to lose weight. 20 minutes 3 times a week will help you maintain your weight. I know strength training is really good for weight loss, too, but I can’t remember the specifics.

Anyway, I did classes three times this week. Two were Zumba (one at Gold’s Gym, the other with my friends at a local studio), and one was kick boxing, and boy did that kick my butt! It’s been a while…

I also did the calorie counting this week, and other than Friday (date night, so I didn’t exercise- AND we had a dessert), I did pretty good. Week one- check. Week two- here I come.

I’ve been pretty stable lately as far as bipolar goes. Unfortunately, I got hit with a short hypomanic episode this week. It started in the middle of the night. I love sleep. But, I had to use the bathroom at three o’clock in the morning. Once I tried to come back to bed: BAM! I was wide awake. The next day was spent being incredibly impatient that my kids weren’t going as fast as me, and having a million project ideas running through my head: all with the deadline of two weeks (when school starts again).

Luckily, I kept with my routine- which is super important for bipolar management. I went to bed when I usually do (even though I had a couple nights where I had to go to the other room so at least my husband could sleep even if I couldn’t). I did my meditations at the same time. I took my medications (not negotiable). And the episode has sort of slipped away. I’m so grateful that I have the tools that I do to help me minimize the damage that can be caused by a hypomanic, or a depressive state.

Well, that’s it for today, folks. Thanks for reading!

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