Thursday, August 13, 2020

ADD Meltdowns

 I've been thinking about my issue with afternoon dips in mood swings, and I wondered why it was so bad with me. I mean, I think most human beings have a dip in energy levels every mid-afternoon, making work or any activity a little more difficult in the afternoon... but why does it have to be that much more difficult for one with a mood disorder?

I started doing a little research and found a few things that kept repeating themselves.

"Hypomania in the morning means Depression in the afternoon"- which might be what's going on. After all, I have for sure felt depressed during several afternoons. However, I don't think I've been as high as Hypomania in the morning. Elevated, maybe. Hypomanic, no. Though sometimes, it's really hard to tell the difference between elevated and hypomanic.

"ADD meltdowns"- this compared ADD meltdowns to those regular human dip in energy levels, and they were very similar. Apparently, it has to do with circadian rhythms dipping during certain times- one of them being between 1-3 in the afternoon. 

Come to think of it- that's really a pattern by itself when one has ADD. I've been noticing it a lot with myself and every conversation. I just don't last long, My attention dips, and I end up not listening to the person I'm talking with. Things start going in one ear and mixing with all the chaos I normally have in my head... to the point where it's so much, I start getting agitated. I find excuses to run away from conversations... I mean, if it stops sounding like a human being talking to me, and just turns to mushy chaos in my brain... I understand why I want to disappear. AND that makes much more sense why my ADD brain can't handle much more than till 2 in the afternoon before it starts breaking up into a "meltdown" that lasts through the evening.

There were a few more words that were used in conjunction with Afternoon dips and ADD meltdowns that I'm hoping with give me a better handle on it: A management strategy or two. Here's the list:

Move the body

Stay Nourished

Stay hydrated (this is what happens when your brain becomes a bit dehydrated- emotions are housed in your brain)

Have a snack with Protein in it: I will pull a list together for the facebook page for those interested. 

Take some downtime to try to pull yourself together (maybe a nap?)

Play with these suggestions. I will do the same. If you find any more information regarding ADD meltdowns or how to manage them, please let me know in the comments. I'm still new to ADD knowledge.

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